Monday, January 30, 2012

Wow, just wow...

This is probably the worst deigned site I have ever seen.  Not only is it hard on the eye but most of it does not make sense.  Random links go to other garish pages.  See for yourself by clicking here.  In the screencast, I mention that I think the site is to sell video equipment.  It turns out the site is to "promote the free exchange of information" for videographers.


  1. Jim,

    AHHHHH! IT'S THE 1990s ALL OVER AGAIN! Wow. That is bad design. My eyes feel violated.

    Sheila. :)

  2. Hi Jim,

    I laughed so hard I cried when you stated that you didn't even have to explain the image of the airplane coming at us... THANK YOU for that!

    First off, I applaud your use of video to critique the website you selected! It's one thing to visit the site and read what you have to say about it, but it's another to actually SEE what rules were being violated as you discussed them; the screencast approach was definitely the way to go in this case. Thanks for taking the time to create it for us!

    I agree with you that the site created so many flaws, it's difficult to know where to start. On top of everything you mentioned, the entire site is CENTERED. While I realize that scrolling old-school websites have a tendency to be centered, it's an amateur's worst nightmare (nevermind a professional opinion!). The colors, the fonts, the inappropriate graphics... *sigh* I don't understand how this site could attract ANY business whatsoever. It's a site for VIDEOGRAPHERS? I suppose it's one thing to be handy with a video camera, but quite another have no advertising sense, sense of design, or taste. What a wonderful site to work with for critiquing purposes. Thanks again for sharing!

    Nice job!
