Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Color Echo

Wow! These mini art assignments eat up a lot of time.  Part of the issue is my perfectionist need to get everything just right but a lot of time was taken up trying to learn the still image software.  I really liked Johanna's presentation on GIMP.  She warned us that it takes a lot of time to learn.  I, however, was cocky enough to think I could learn enough to use it for this assignment.  Three hours later, GIMP has proven me a chump.  I had to revert back to Pages but I was able to learn how to use GIMP enough to remove blemishes from my photo.

I really like muted colors and simple designs.  Yet, the simple designs force the designer to be more creative it terms of layout and color.  I found that a simple shift of a line or a large field of color really enhances the design.  I also chose to echo the star shape and the stripes as well as the color in the design.  I found that I really could not do one without the other if I wanted the design to create some interest.

1 comment:

  1. This is great coloring, and very clever! The starfuit works wonderfully with the star! There's also something to say about the triangular martini glass next to triangular edges of the star! Well done.
