Saturday, April 21, 2012


One of anxieties about the all of the resources that I come across online is that I fear that I will forget them or not be able to find them again.  I like this site ( because it is like a Refworks for all of the technology resource I come across.  I really like the idea of being able to create a toolkit and share it with my colleagues.  As I was browsing the resources, I found many that my colleagues who teach other content areas might be able to use and enjoy.  As a result I created a couple of content specific toolkits to share with my teammates.  They, too, were impressed with the site for a lot of the same reasons I mentioned.  It is possible that my team may be piloting a new one-to-one initiative where each of our students will have their own tablet.  They mentioned how useful this site would be in light of this possibility.

Many of the resources that I came across browsing around for math, I have seen before and was pleased that I could accumulate them together in one place.  In my toolkit I included, several virtual manipulative links.  Since the installation of interactive whiteboards this year, we have been strongly encouraged to use them frequently.  Though not the best way to integrate technology in the classroom, these manipulatives can provide some useful support to instruction.  I also think the resource in this toolkit are a good starting point for the math teacher that is beginning to try to integrate technology into the classroom.  And, simply providing them with one kit makes the task less overwhelming, especially for teachers who are inexperienced with these new technologies.


  1. While many people believe that the addition of technology to the classroom will overwhelm them, you are proving the opposite. Tech is supposed to help alleviate that stress. Finding sites in your tool kit to help you out makes the technology in the classroom worth while. Great work.

  2. Jim, I have the exact fear about forgetting or losing the online resources I find! I agree that CITEed is an amazing tool to help solve this horrible issue. Using virtual manipulatives in class sounds like an excellent experience for students. It's great that your school is getting interactive white boards. With the right resources, you can create such amazing and effective lessons.
